訊息日期: 2008-10-03 / 閱覽次數: 6627
中國嬰兒不必要的死亡以及受苦-國際母乳哺育行動聯盟(WABA)新聞稿 2008.09.25
WABA指導委員會主席菲莉西蒂沙瓦齊醫師指出 "對抗嬰兒配方奶危險性的答案就是重新支持母乳哺育。即使沒有受到毒素污染,考慮到它的危險性以及副作用,廣泛地使用商業配方奶,對於全世界,包括富有國家,的嬰幼兒,就已經有其真實的風險了。"
最近,不論是國家還是國際層級支持母乳哺育民眾教育以及保健工作人員訓練的經費都在降低。因此,執行世界衛生組織/聯合國兒童基金會愛嬰醫院(BFHI)的醫院數目降低。(愛嬰醫院會執行幫助母親成功母乳哺育的十大措施,並且不允許在健康醫療機構中不道德的促銷母乳代用品。)例如之前中國的產科醫院全力支持母乳哺育和愛嬰醫院,但是由此次事件看到普遍高度地使用嬰兒配方奶,可知相關措施已經不再存在 。
WABA 呼籲所有衛生署、聯合國兒童基金會以及世界衛生組織,還有其他國家及和國際級關心全球健康的組織再度更新並增加對於支持頭兩年母乳哺育的經費以及承諾,不僅是針對產科醫院,也應該包括公共衛生計畫以及社區計畫。
人類族群中最脆弱的一群 - 我們的嬰兒,他們的第一個食物 - 母乳,必須被鼓勵、保護以及支持。不要再讓嬰兒無謂地死亡及受苦了!
想要知道進一步資訊, 請聯絡:
Susan Siew
Co-Director, WABA
P.O. Box 1200, 10850 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: 604-658 4816 Fax: 604-657 2655
Miriam H. Labbok, MD, MPH
WABA Steering Committee
Professor of the Practice of Public Health
Director, Carolina Breastfeeding Institute (CBI)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1. 嬰兒兒童配方奶餵食的危險Risks of Formula Feeding for Infant and Children:
2. 嬰兒奶粉污染下架回收清單Full Recall List of contaminated baby milks:
3. 母職保護運動 - 母乳哺育的觀點The Maternity Protection Campaign (MPC) Kit - A Breastfeeding Perspective:
4. 世界衛生組織/聯合國兒童基金會嬰幼兒餵食策略WHO/UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding:
5. 2005年嬰幼兒餵食伊諾森蒂宣言Innocenti Declaration 2005 On Infant and Young Child Feeding:
Needless Deaths and Suffering of Babies in China
WABA, the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action - sympathises with the Chinese families on the tragic deaths and outbreak of illness of their “bao beis”, precious
infants, as a result of consuming melamine-tainted infant formula. China is not the only country which has experienced problems with ensuring the safety of artificial
infant milk.
There have been 71 occasions in recent years when companies have been forced to recall batches of formula because of dangerous contamination. This poses an additional hazard on
top of the daily universal danger of mixing and using formula incorrectly in the home, which also makes many babies ill. While the most stringent of measures should be taken against unscrupulous and unethical milk companies, WABA calls urgently for renewed support for early, exclusive and continued breastfeeding, and for additional resources to be mobilised to make this possible.
"The answer to the risks of infant formula is to renew support for breastfeeding," pointed out Dr. Felicity Savage, Chair of the Steering Committee of WABA. "The widespread use of commercial formula, with all of its risks and side effects even when not contaminated with toxins, is a real danger for infants and young children all over the world, including in wealthy countries."
Optimal infant and young child feeding is defined globally as early and exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child's life, and continued breastfeeding for up to 2
years or longer, with the gradual introduction of age-appropriate, nutrient rich complementary foods from 6 months.
Recently, national and international funding for public education and the training of health workers to support breastfeeding has decreased. As a result there has been a decline in the numbers of hospitals implementing the WHO/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, which incorporates the Ten Steps for Successful Breastfeeding, and disallows the unethical promotion of breastmilk substitutes in health facilities. In China, for example, at one time, maternity hospitals fully supported breastfeeding and the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.
However, by the high level of formula use reflected in this pandemic, the practice may no longer be true.
The public deserves to be accurately informed that infant formula, as the name states, is a risky mix of animal milk with chemicals, devoid of any immunological protective factors.
Formula-feeding is known to result in sub-optimal infant nutrition, and reduced cognitive development, compared to the improved health and developmental outcomes for babies who receive their own mothers’ milk.
“A tragedy such as this should not happen again. The majority of mothers, given appropriate support, timely and accurate information and protection from aggressive marketing of infant formula, are able to breastfeed,” said Susan Siew, Co-Director of WABA. “For working mothers, both in the formal and informal sectors, we need to provide an enabling environment with adequate maternity entitlements including maternity leave, flexible work arrangements
and mother-baby-friendly facilities at the workplaces.”
WABA calls upon all Ministries of Health, UNICEF and WHO, and other national and international organisations concerned with global health to renew and increase their funding and dedication to breastfeeding support throughout the first 2 years of life, not only at maternity hospitals, but in public health programmes and the community.
The first food, breastmilk, for the most vulnerable sector of the human population, our babies, must be promoted, protected and supported worldwide. Let no babies die and suffer needlessly!
For more information, kindly contact:
Susan Siew
Co-Director, WABA
P.O. Box 1200, 10850 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: 604-658 4816 Fax: 604-657 2655
Miriam H. Labbok, MD, MPH
WABA Steering Committee
Professor of the Practice of Public Health
Director, Carolina Breastfeeding Institute (CBI)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Links to more detail information:
1. Risks of Formula Feeding for Infant and Children:
2. Full Recall List of contaminated baby milks:
3. The Maternity Protection Campaign (MPC) Kit - A Breastfeeding Perspective:
4. WHO/UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding:
5. Innocenti Declaration 2005 On Infant and Young Child Feeding: